Q. We are an indoor range with two bays that are 15 yards long by 9.6 yards wide. Does this space seem large enough to accommodate a Rimfire Challenge Course of Fire (COF)?
A. Yes, the minimum safe distance for shooting steel is 7 yards. The Rimfire Challenge Shooting Association (RCSA RC) rules limit the distance of pistol targets to 20 yards and rifle targets to 35 yards. There is no rule regarding the width of a COF.
Q. Is there a minimum number of COF’s that a match must provide?
A. There is no specified minimum or maximum number of COF’s for regularly scheduled or monthly matches. The minimum number of COF’s for a Registered match is three, each COF is shot with a pistol and a rifle yielding six stages.
Q. Could we run a handgun course from one bay and a rifle course simultaneously from another bay using only one COF per bay?
A. Yes, if you have an adequate number of bays and quantity of steel.
Q. What kind of targets are used in Rimfire Challenge?
A. Steel targets of various shapes and sizes, round, square and rectangular targets are preferred with a minimum size of 8”.
Q. Are we required to use 3/8” AR500 steel for our targets or can we use ¼” AR500 steel?
A. ¼” AR500 steel is acceptable and safe to use for Rimfire Challenge however, 3/8” AR500 steel is preferred because it can also be used for centerfire calibers.
Q. My club already has steel that we use for other disciplines (Cowboy, USPSA, 3 Gun, etc..), do we have to buy steel just for RCSA RC?
A. No, RCSA RC allows the use of existing steel targets as long as they meet the minimum size of 8″.
Q. Can I use reactive or frangible targets in my Rimfire Challenge match?
A. No, frangible targets are not allowed in RCSA RC competition but reactive targets may be used if they are set to a static condition. Reactive targets do not perform reliably with .22 caliber ammunition and can be very frustrating to new and inexperienced shooters.
Q. Are any of your events held in an indoor range? If so, what targets are used?
A. There are many indoor ranges that host RCSA RC matches. Standard steel targets are used.
Q. We are interested in being a host range for the RCSA Rimfire Challenge. Can you help us with the next steps?
A. Go to www.rimfirechallenge.org for more information.
Q. Are the NSSF Rimfire Challenge and the RCSA Rimfire Challenge the same thing?
A. The Rimfire Challenge Shooting Association assumed administrative control of the National Shooting Sports Foundation Rimfire Challenge on January 1, 2018 and the program is now the RCSA Rimfire Challenge.
Q. Is there a minimum age to participate in the RCSA RC program?
A. No, there is no minimum age for participation in the RCSA RC program, young people mature at different rates and the only program requirement is that the participant be familiar with the firearms and trained in their safe handling.
Q. How do I find a range near me that hosts a Rimfire Challenge match?
A. Go to www.rimfirechallenge.org and click on the Monthly Matches tab.
Q. Can I use a magazine with a capacity of greater than 11 rounds?
A. Yes, but the 11 shot rule still applies. If more than 11 rounds are fired in a single string the shooter will be given a 30 second string time.
Q. Do I need any special equipment besides a Rimfire rifle and pistol?
A. All that is required to participate are a rifle and pistol chambered in .22lr and 5 magazines for each. You must also be able to handle those firearms safely.
Q. Do I need to be an experienced competitor to participate in an RCSA Registered or World match?
A. No you don’t need to be an experienced competitor to participate in these events, but you must be able to handle and manipulate your firearms safely.
Q. Can I shoot my .22 WMR guns in a Rimfire Challenge match?
A. No, only firearms chambered in .22lr caliber may be used in RCSA RC events.
Q. Can I really be competitive using my “out of the box” guns?
A. Yes, a large percentage of our participants use unmodified equipment.
Q. How much does it cost to shoot a match?
A. Match fees are set by the Host Club and vary from match to match.
Q. Do the same ranges host the state and world matches every year?
A. No, any club can host an event as long as they have a facility and personnel to support that event. Although we do have many ranges and clubs that host events month after month or year after year.
Q. Are the targets expensive to purchase?
A. Quality steel targets are not cheap, but considering how long they last if they are properly used and maintained they are worth the cost.
Q. Can I shoot just my pistol in a match?
A. No, RCSA RC is a two gun (rifle and pistol) competition.
Q. Do I have to be an RCSA member to participate in RCSA RC events?
A. No, RCSA RC competition is open to everyone.
Q. Can a competitor use a second 6 shot revolver for a reload when shooting Cowboy/Cowgirl Special Recognition Category?
A. If the revolvers are 6 shot the competitor can use two but can’t fire more than 11 rounds in one string. If the revolver is 10 shot the competitor is limited to one gun.
Q. The rule book states that each stage consists of five (5) to seven (7) targets, hereafter referred to as plates, that are shot five (5) times, each of the five times is referred to as a String of Fire or String. Does this mean that a participant would shoot the same COF 5 separate times? Or that they would shoot 5 individual COF?
A. The competitor will shoot each COF 5 times and the worst (longest) time is discarded and the 4 best (fastest) times are added together for the Stage time.